Hello and welcome to Russia! My name is Lindsay, and I will now provide you with a few cultural snapshots.
Foods I have seen people put mayo on/in (keep in mind, this is a list in the back of my journal that grows daily):
2) Лед-Led-Ice
Dear anyone who has ever complained about driving in the snow: you are looking at a road. I know you can't SEE it... but don't worry, it is somewhere down there buried beneath the ice. If you think American roads are difficult, then I suggest you don't plan any road trips to Nizhny anytime soon.
3) Пол-Pol-Floor
This is a hallway in my school. Notice the lights are off; they always are, and I'm not sure why that is... But anyways, I'm not doing a snapshot of the lights, I'm doing a snapshot ofat the moment I am doing a snapshot of the floor. In Russia, the floor is a dirty place. You do not sit on there. I found this out between classes when I happened to take a seat on the perfectly clean (or so it appeared) tile hallway floor. The second I did, the girls I was with all started screaming. When I finally got them to talk slowly enough for me to understand, I found out that it is absolutely NOT okay to sit on the ground in Russia, even inside. It is also not okay to walk around with bare feet.
4) Шубы-Shubi-Fur Coats
Examine the picture. You will see two out of the three women in it are wearing Shubi. These jackets, which are usually made entirely of real animal fur (so the woman in brown is technically not wearing one), are tres chic in Russia. Not everyone wears them (Dasha for example has expressed a strong dislike for such coats), but I'd estimate about one in five adult women that you see walking down the street is wearing Shuba. PETA would have a feild day.
Well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed these snapshots. If you have any questions or suggestions of things I should write about in my next post feel free to facebook me/comment here.
Пака! --Линдси
Foods I have seen people put mayo on/in (keep in mind, this is a list in the back of my journal that grows daily):
- potatoes
- beef soup
- chicken soup
- bread
- cucumber and tomato salad
- eggs
- pizza
- spaghetti.
2) Лед-Led-Ice
3) Пол-Pol-Floor
This is a hallway in my school. Notice the lights are off; they always are, and I'm not sure why that is... But anyways, I'm not doing a snapshot of the lights, I'm doing a snapshot ofat the moment I am doing a snapshot of the floor. In Russia, the floor is a dirty place. You do not sit on there. I found this out between classes when I happened to take a seat on the perfectly clean (or so it appeared) tile hallway floor. The second I did, the girls I was with all started screaming. When I finally got them to talk slowly enough for me to understand, I found out that it is absolutely NOT okay to sit on the ground in Russia, even inside. It is also not okay to walk around with bare feet.
Examine the picture. You will see two out of the three women in it are wearing Shubi. These jackets, which are usually made entirely of real animal fur (so the woman in brown is technically not wearing one), are tres chic in Russia. Not everyone wears them (Dasha for example has expressed a strong dislike for such coats), but I'd estimate about one in five adult women that you see walking down the street is wearing Shuba. PETA would have a feild day.
Well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed these snapshots. If you have any questions or suggestions of things I should write about in my next post feel free to facebook me/comment here.
Пака! --Линдси
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