Sunday, October 9, 2011


Okay, so if you are reading this, I might as well tell you quickly that I'm not in Russia yet, so feel free to skip this post. Its just sort of a hi world, see if my blog is working type of thing.

    So my name is Lindsay, and I'm currently 15 (16 by the time I leave) years old. I'm from Philadelphia, and I'm going to Russia at the end of January to be an exchange student there. So this is a blog to sort of update everyone at home and just for me to talk about what I'll be doing while I'm there. I probably won't be posting much until after I leave, just FYI.

If anyone is wondering about the blog title its a play on the song We no speak americano, the chorus of which goes 'pa-pa americano'. Coincidentally, the phrase по-русски (pa-ruski) is russian for 'in Russian' (russian language, russian style, russian way) which reminded me of the song, hence my blog title.